Senior React Native Developer Ready To GO
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Hi There, My name is Youssef El Habchi, I am a Senior React Native Developer, with years of experience creating modern mobile and web apps with cutting edge technologies.
Beyond Mobile development using React Native I am a fullstack developer mainly using the MERN stack including React native for mobile. Which means having a strong experience working on cross-platform apps, I would help build products for web and mobile if needed.
Why A React Native Developer?
React Native is great for mobile apps. It provides a slick, smooth and responsive user interface, while significantly reducing load time. It’s also much faster and cheaper to build apps in React Native as opposed to building native ones, without the need to compromise on quality and functionality.
Why Me?
- I have a strong experience working on cross-platform apps, I would help build products for web and mobile if needed.
- I am a self-improvement enthusiast, Able to teach myself anything, without needing a mentor, thus I can quickly adapt to the fast evolving technologies.
- Global startup knowledge, digital marketing, management and design, I can communicate about these concepts with other teams and department, and can even help build solutions.
What I am looking for?
My personal preferences when it comes to companies I engage with are:
- Working with modern technology stack
- Tech-Friendly environment
- Cultural rich teams
What I am I passionate about?
- Personally, I am passionate about video games, I play video games almost daily, I ways reading the news, trying different genres and releases whenever possible.
- Personally: I watch movies and series, I conceder myself to have seen most movies out there In the sci-fi genre.
- Personally: I watch football, my favorite team is Barcelona
- Professionally, I am passionate about self-improvement, wherever I end up in my career, I always try to improve myself, to maintain my career goals, and increase my productivity