Table of Contents
Hello everyone, welcome to this new article, where we are going to explore the React Native Netinfo Api.
In this article we will try to make a simple Wifi Network Adapter, That gets the current network data in realtime.
Our final result will look like this.

It’s pretty straightforward, and every time the strength of the Network changes, This icon will change.
By Strength, or to turn off, if the internet is not reachable.
Let’s Get Started
For a starter we can make a new project, either using Expo cli or React Native Cli.
For this example, I will be using an expo project, but if you prefer to use React Native Cli.
You can follow the instructions from Here.
Environment Setup
Install Netinfo from expo
expo install @react-native-community/netinfo
And import it
import NetInfo from '@react-native-community/netinfo';
I will also be using Expo Icons, they come preinstalled with any Expo project, so no need to install them.
MaterialCommunityIcons in particular, Which has network icons for all network strength.
Then import it
import { MaterialCommunityIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
How does it React Native Netinfo work ?
Simply React Native Netinfo, allows us to get data related to the network we are connected to.
It provides extensive information that we can use from the name of the wifi, strength to Cellular Generation, carrier name and bluetooth etc
For this example we will only need to use the wifi related data, is it connected and the strength.
But you can use it to to get data from the table below.
cellular | Android, iOS, Windows, Web | Active network over cellular |
wifi | Android, iOS, Windows, Web | Active network over Wifi |
bluetooth | Android, Web | Active network over Bluetooth |
ethernet | Android, Windows, Web | Active network over wired ethernet |
wimax | Android, Web | Active network over WiMax |
vpn | Android | Active network over VPN |
Get Wifi Data
To get the wifi network data, we can add an event listener, to netInfo, and subscribe to data changes in realtime.
NetInfo.addEventListener(state => {
console.log('Connection type', state.type);
console.log('Is connected?', state.isConnected);
Or, you can fetch data once
NetInfo.fetch().then(state => {
console.log('Connection type', state.type);
console.log('Is connected?', state.isConnected);
The state object thats being returned, contain the information we need.
type | NetInfoStateType | The type of the current connection. Examples in the table from previous section |
isConnected | boolean | If there is an active network connection. Note that this DOES NOT mean that internet is reachable. |
isInternetReachable | boolean | If the internet is reachable with the currently active network connection. |
isWifiEnabled | boolean | (Android only) Whether the device’s WiFi is ON or OFF. |
details | The value depends on the type value. See below. |
And from the details section, if the network is wifi, we can get.
isConnectionExpensive | Android, iOS, Windows, Web | boolean | If the network connection is considered “expensive”. This could be in either energy or monetary terms. |
ssid | Android, iOS (not tvOS) | string | The SSID of the network. May not be present, null , or an empty string if it cannot be determined. |
strength | Android | number | An integer number from 0 to 100 for the signal strength. May not be present if the signal strength cannot be determined. |
ipAddress | Android, iOS | string | The external IP address. Can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. May not be present if it cannot be determined. |
subnet | Android, iOS | string | The subnet mask in IPv4 format. May not be present if it cannot be determined. |
So, Let’s create state field to update data to.
I will add 3 fields
const [isInternetReachable, setIsInternetReachable] = useState(false)
const [strength, setStrength] = useState(0)
const [icon, setIcon] = useState("network-strength-off")
isInternetReachable: Wether the internet is being accessed or not
strength: The strength of the connection
icon: Icon for the UI
I will make a small helper function to get different Icons, based on the data we have in state.
const getNetworkIcon=()=> {
return "network-strength-off"
}else if (strength <= 25) {
return "network-strength-1"
}else if (strength <= 50) {
return "network-strength-2"
}else if (strength <= 75) {
return "network-strength-3"
}else if (strength <= 100) {
return "network-strength-4"
} else if(!isInternetReachable){
return "network-strength-outline"
Then, we will use the useEffect hook to setup the event listener for Netinfo.
In addition, the state update.
useEffect(() => {
NetInfo.addEventListener(state => {
With this hook, we are using componentDidUpdate, here you can find quick start on React Native Hooks guide.
And That was it, our app now will update based on network data in realtime.

Thank you for your time reading my article, I hope you find it as informative as you have expected.
Feel free to share it with your friends, and comment out your questions and concerns.
As usual I will add this project to github and for you to use.
Stay tuned for more.
Happy coding.
Nice explanation ..Thank you
Thank you, Happy you liked it.
bonjour youssef! est ce que c’est react-native-netinfo que facebook à utiliser pour ajouter la fonctionnalité TROUVER UN RESEAU WIFI sur le site ?
hello youssef! is it react-native-netinfo that facebook used to add the function FIND WIFI NETWORK to the site?
Hello Davis, Yes, it is the one.